Version Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life

Speaker: Kalyan Dikshit


U.M.K. Dikshit is a Mozilla Tech Speaker, Mozilla Representative and part of the Mozilla Hyderabad Community, India. He is also a part of projects on Security as a part of his job. He is a participant and attendee of Internet Freedom Festival 2017. He also volunteers as a localizer for Mozilla, TOR, Orfox, OrWeb and Collobrator for GlobaLeaks Team, OONIProbe. He currently also devotes his time with ICRISAT where he works with drones to develop and trial techniques to connect farmers. Founder of “JAVA 1.X Hyderabad Chapter” where he teaches about the latest features, changes in Java. Co-founder of “Duck Duck Go Hyderabad Chapter”. Overall he is your next door friendly software guy.
“Developer by Day, Hacker by Night”